ACT Teacher Quality Institute


▾ In this section ▾


TQI banner

Mr Shane Rattenbury MLA
Minister for Education
ACT Legislative Assembly
London Circuit

This Report has been prepared under the Annual Reports (Government Agencies) Act 2004 and in accordance with the requirements under the Annual Report Directions.

It has been prepared in conformity with other legislation applicable to the preparation of the Annual Report by the ACT Teacher Quality Institute.

I certify that the attached Annual Report is an honest and accurate account and that all material information on the operations of the ACT Teacher Quality Institute during the period 1 July 2015 to 30 June 2016 has been included.

I hereby certify that fraud prevention has been managed in accordance with Public Sector Management Standards, Part 2.

Section 13 of the Annual Reports (Government Agencies) Act 2004 requires that you cause a copy of the Report to be laid before the Legislative Assembly within 15 weeks of the end of the financial year.

signature of Anne Ellis

Anne Ellis
Chief Executive Officer
5 September 2016

signature of William Maiden

Dr William Maiden
Board Chair
ACT Teacher Quality Institute
5 September 2016

Phone: +61 2 6205 8867 I Fax: +61 2 6205 4577 I email: PO Box 263 Jamison Centre ACT 2614 I



The ACT Teacher Quality Institute (TQI) is an independent statutory authority established by the ACT Teacher Quality Institute Act 2010 (TQI Act) to build the professional standing of all ACT teachers and to enhance the community’s confidence in the teaching profession through professional regulation and practical initiatives to raise teacher quality.

Our vision

ACT teachers uphold and embody the standards of the profession to enhance the education of students.

Our purpose

To implement professional regulation and to lead teacher quality initiatives to ensure the professional standing of ACT teachers and to enhance community confidence in the ACT teaching profession.

Our Values
Our Role

TQI’s role in relation to the ACT teaching profession stems from the TQI Act. It undertakes its responsibilities by integrating the direct regulation of the teaching workforce with specific strategic measures designed to raise the quality of that workforce including, importantly, embedding the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers in the teaching practice of all ACT teachers. This integrated approach covers all ACT teachers as they enter, and progress through, career stages in the profession. TQI emphasises collaboration across school sectors and amongst teachers, schools and universities. TQI promotes continuous professional learning and development and the professionalism of all teachers in the ACT.

The ultimate goal of all its endeavours is to help enhance the learning outcomes of ACT school students.


TQI functions set out in section 11 of the TQI Act are to:

In performing its statutory functions, TQI delivers the following range of services to all sectors of school education, ACT universities providing teacher education, and the teaching profession in the ACT:

Our structure

TQI is governed by a Board comprised of key ACT education stakeholders, the teaching profession, and the ACT community. Current Board membership is set out in Table 2.

The Chief Executive Officer, Ms Anne Ellis, is responsible for the day-to-day operations of TQI, supported by a small staff (numbering 11 FTE as at 30 June 2016).

Photo of Chief Executive Officer Anne Ellis at the Australian Catholic University 2016 Graduation

Mr Julien O’Connell AM, Pro-Chancellor, Ms Anne Ellis, TQI CEO, Associate Professor Patrick McArdle, Campus Dean, The Hon John Fahey AC, Chancellor at ACU 2016 Graduation after Ms Ellis delivered occasional address.

Operating Environment

TQI is a Territory authority for the purposes of the Financial Management Act 1996 (FMA).

By a declaration issued by the Treasurer in February 2012 [Financial Management (Territory Authorities) Declaration 2012 (No. 1)], TQI has been exempted from certain provisions of the FMA. For example, TQI is not required to produce a detailed statement of intent, statement of performance, or annual financial statement. However, in accordance with the direction issued by the Minister for Education and Training under section 25 of the TQI Act, TQI is required to provide a summary of its income and expenses each financial year in its annual report.

For the purpose of the Annual Reports (Government Agencies) Act 2004, TQI comes within the definition of ‘public authority’.

Accordingly, TQI has prepared this annual report to comply with section 6(1) of that Act and in accordance with the requirements referred to in the Chief Minister’s Annual Report Directions issued under section 9 of that Act.

Owing to its modest budget and staff resources, TQI has established administrative arrangements with the Education Directorate in relation to minor financial accounting and internal audit matters.

Planning Framework

At its December 2015 meeting, the TQI Board approved a new strategic planning document: TQI Strategic Direction 2015-19. Under this new direction, TQI will focus its efforts on the following four key areas:

The achievements against each of these key focus areas over the reporting period is discussed in B2 below.

TQI Governing Board

Section 15(2) of the TQI Act sets out the composition of the TQI Board and requires the Minister to appoint the members of the Board other than the Chief Executive Officer. The appointment of a member, other than the Chief Executive Officer, must be for a term no longer than three years. A person may be reappointed for a further term of three years. The Chief Executive Officer is a non-voting member of the Board.

Remuneration for the Chair is determined by the ACT Remuneration Tribunal in accordance with the provisions of the Remuneration Tribunal Act 1995. Other members of the Board are not entitled to be paid for the exercise of their Board functions.

The Board met on four occasions during the reporting period:

The Minister made one appointment to the Board during the reporting period as follows:

The above appointment is for a period of three years.


MemberQualificationsRole Number of meetings attended
Dr William Maiden PSM TeachCert, BA, MLitt, MEdAdmin, PhD, FACE, FACEL ACT Chair 4
Ms Anne Ellis BA, DipEd, GradDip (InfMgt), FACEL Chief Executive Officer, TQI 4
Associate Professor Carolyn Broadbent PhD, MEd(Research), BEd, DipTeach, TPTC, FACE, FACEL Australian Catholic University, ACT Campus 4
Ms Diane Joseph BSc, FACEL Director-General, Education and Training 1
Ms Moira Najdecki MEdLeadership, GradDip (Religious Ed), GradCert (Religious Ed), MA, DipEd, BA, FACEL ACT Catholic Education Office 3
Ms Lyn Caton DipEd, GradCert Religious Ed, DipA (App) NSW/ACT Independent Education Union 1
Ms Kerrie Heath BEd, DipEd Teaching profession in government schools 1
Mr Glenn Fowler BA(Hons),GradDipEd Australian Education Union, ACT Branch 4
Mrs Narelle Hargreaves OAM BEd, FACE, FACEL ACT Community representative 4
Ms Anne Coutts BSc(Hons), GradCertEd, MEd Association of Independent Schools of the ACT 3
Mr Michael Lee BA, GradDipEd, GradDip (Religious Ed), Med, FACEL Teaching profession in non- government schools 4
Associate Professor David Paterson BEd, MEdAdmin, PhD, FACE University of Canberra 4
Ms Julie Murkins MIL (Masters, Instructional Leadership) BA, GradDipEd Teaching profession in government schools 2



The primary focus of the ACT Teacher Quality Institute remains the continuous improvement in the quality and professionalism of the ACT teaching workforce with the aim of enhancing the learning outcomes of all ACT school students.

The TQI Act provides the regulatory regime within which the Institute pursues its goals.

Under the TQI Act, the teaching profession in the ACT is governed by a comprehensive framework that closely integrates regulatory provisions with a range of specific initiatives designed to assist all ACT teachers to improve their performance, at all stages of their careers. The framework integrates preparation for the profession for initial teachers, national professional standards, high quality professional learning, and formal accreditation and registration requirements. The ACT framework accords with national agreements on education reform. Importantly, the approach in the ACT emphasises continuous quality improvement rather than simply a registration process for teachers.

The 2015-16 reporting year is the first year of the Institute’s second Strategic Direction 2015-2019. Key achievements against the Strategic Direction over this reporting year are discussed below.

1. Sustaining a comprehensive registration framework and embedding the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers

Key elements of the registration framework established by the TQI Act and subordinate legislation include the requirements that:

Over the reporting period, TQI continued comprehensive communication to all ACT teachers about their professional regulatory responsibilities including registration, professional learning and conduct. TQI also refined the online registration renewal process and enhanced the functionality of the online ‘Teacher Portal’.

Other targeted initiatives included the development of a range of practical tools to support provisionally registered teachers in their progression to Full registration, and the delivery of workshops for first year and final year teacher education students. These workshops, supported by the University of Canberra and the Australian Catholic University, focused on ACT teacher registration requirements and professional evidence and reflection against the professional standards.

In the period to 30 June 2016 TQI provided 19 cross-sectoral workshops for beginning teachers and teacher mentors/supervisors and school leaders on the progress to Full registration, with over 266 teachers attending.

Under the regulatory framework, there are also important obligations imposed on all employers of teachers in ACT schools. These obligations support the integrity of the regulatory framework and help to maintain community confidence in the teaching profession in the ACT.

Over the reporting period, employers in all school sectors took action on these reporting obligations. As a consequence, TQI imposed additional conditions on the registration of four ACT teacher, suspended the registrations of three teachers, and cancelled the registration of two teachers.

One of the key responsibilities of TQI is to make the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers known across the ACT teaching profession and to embed the Standards in the professional practice of all teachers. This work has included enhanced communications and partnerships with universities, schools and teacher employers.

Further, TQI is the certifying authority for ACT teachers seeking higher levels of certification against the ‘Highly Accomplished’ and ‘Lead’ levels of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers.

Over the past three years, TQI has placed emphasis on ensuring that the necessary foundations for a smooth process of certification in the ACT are in place. TQI has aimed to first ensure that there are large numbers of ACT school leaders from across the schooling sectors trained as national certification assessors. There are now 80 trained certification assessors in the ACT which is 40% of the national cohort of certification assessors.

Second, TQI has aimed to ensure interested ACT teachers are fully informed about the benefits of certification to themselves and their students and about the rigour of the process. In the past 12 months, information sessions and evidence preparation workshops have been attended by over 230 teachers.

A further important development over the reporting period was the launch of a national Highly Accomplished and Lead Teacher (HALT) Network by the Federal Minister for Education and Training, Senator the Hon Simon Birmingham. The Network will develop national action plans to promote certification. The ACT had a high number of representatives at the initial meeting of the Network which was led by renowned educators Professor John Hattie, University of Melbourne and Dr Yong Zhao, University of Oregon.

Photo of three teachers undertaking certification assessor training.

Mrs Kathy Kinnane, St Clare’s College, Mr Anthony Vandermolen, Montessori School and Mrs Kristine Stewart, Ngunnawal Primary School undertaking certification assessor training.

2. Implementing comprehensive reforms of initial teacher education

Reform of initial teacher education programs has been a national priority for Education Ministers for several years. Consistent with its legislative responsibilities to accredit education programs for pre-service teachers in the ACT (see s.11(1)(g) and s.76(a) of the Act), TQI has taken the lead role in progressing these reforms in the Territory.

Over the reporting period, TQI completed the accreditation of the initial teacher education programs of the University of Canberra, and worked with the Victorian Institute of Teachers to complete the accreditation of the Australian Catholic University programs for its ACT campus. All initial teacher education programs to be offered in 2017 by ACT universities are now accredited.

Further, Education Ministers at the 11 December 2015 Education Council meeting endorsed revised national Standards and Procedures for Accreditation of Initial Teacher Education Programs in Australia. The revised accreditation standards and procedures are designed to lift the quality of initial teacher education programs, and to ensure that program graduates are ready to teach.

The revised national accreditation standards and procedures require providers of ITE programs to:

TQI has the lead role in implementing these revisions in relation to the ACT. TQI has commenced consultation with ACT education stakeholders on local requirements that will enhance the intended improvements sought through the revised national standards and procedures. This work will be completed and implemented during the 2016-17 transition of current initial teacher education programs in accordance with the revised standards and procedures.

Over the reporting period, TQI also consulted with ACT education stakeholders including employers, teachers, universities providing initial teacher education programs and teacher unions to progress the development of a ‘professional experience framework’ for pre-service teachers in ACT schools for implementation from 2017. High quality professional experience is critically important to ensuring that newly qualified teachers are ready to teach.

3. Promoting increased engagement by all ACT teachers in high quality professional learning and reflection

Research has consistently shown that teachers who maintain their skills by pursuing relevant professional learning opportunities throughout their careers are more effective in the classroom.

Accordingly, in order to renew their registration, each year all ACT teachers must satisfy a minimum level of 20 hours of professional learning. Flexibility is given to ACT teachers so that they can tailor their professional learning to meet their specific needs and those of their schools.

This minimum level of professional learning is comparable to that required of teachers in those Australian jurisdictions who have implemented the national education reform agreements on teacher quality improvement. It has also brought the local teaching profession into line with similar requirements for other professions in the ACT.

TQI has developed an online professional learning recording system - the ‘Professional Learning Profile’ - to provide practical help for all ACT teachers to meet their obligations in this area. This online system incorporates links to the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers to facilitate the development of individual teacher learning goals and activities. A number of user-friendly features assist teachers to search for accredited programs of relevance to them, and to record the programs that they completed.

Professional learning, to be effective, must be more than passive attendance at a course or program. Accordingly, the professional learning recording system requires teachers to reflect on their professional learning against their learning goals using the Standards.

The system can also provide data to Principals to facilitate the management of professional learning at a school and individual teacher level throughout the school year.

Of the 7251 teachers renewing registration for 2016, 7014 (97%) fully met the mandatory professional learning requirements for registration in the year preceding renewal. The remaining 237 (3%) arranged professional learning variation plans with TQI to meet their obligations.

It is particularly significant that ACT teachers recorded more than 253,000 hours of professional learning in the year preceding their 2016 registration. This amounts to an average of 35 hours per teacher – well above the mandated 20 hours minimum professional learning.

During the 2015-16 reporting period, TQI approved 512 applications for accreditation of professional learning programs. As an important quality assurance measure, TQI also assisted providers of professional learning programs with advice on the standards-based documentation required for accreditation. TQI also provided the data available from teacher evaluations of courses and programs so that the relevant providers of those courses can improve the quality and/or relevance of their future programs.

4. Collecting strategic data for research efforts aiming to enhance teacher quality and student learning

One of the five areas of focus identified in the TEMAG report for further improvement to the quality of the teacher workforce was national research and workforce planning capabilities.

The revised national Accreditation of Initial Teacher Education Programs in Australia: Standards and Procedures require the two ACT universities offering initial teacher education programs to collect and report a broad range of data and evidence on students and program outcomes to TQI on an annual basis. In addition, the universities have to develop a plan for demonstrating evidence of the impact of their programs on both initial teacher education students and school students as the basis of future accreditation of their programs.

In March 2016, Education Council tasked the Australian Institute of Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) with scoping the development of a national strategy for initial teacher education and teacher workforce data. The purposes of the strategy include evaluating the outcomes of initial teacher education, supply and demand modelling for workforce planning, and measuring the impact and effectiveness of teaching. This stage of the development is to be completed by the end of 2016. TQI represents the ACT on the National Data Strategy Project Scoping Reference Group, which has been established to oversee this important work.

During the reporting period, TQI has continued to build the capacity of its business system to collect and report on the data collected from registered teachers during the registration renewal period and the reporting of completed professional learning. Improvements will ensure that TQI remains well-placed to participate in the national strategy for initial teacher education and teacher workforce data.

The enhanced data collection has enabled TQI to support schools in managing the professional learning of teachers through the provision of online reports on professional learning programs completed by teachers.

Also during the reporting period, the final findings of TQI-commissioned research, conducted by Ms Mary Gallagher at the Australian Catholic University (Canberra) and Dr Misty Adoniou at University of Canberra, have informed the implementation of support processes for teachers progressing from Provisional to Full registration in the ACT. The findings of this research were disseminated through a variety of forums including the cross-sectoral Teacher Mentoring Network in Term 2, 2016.

In addition, TQI continued to build the research and evaluation capacity of ACT teachers through the Growing a Culture of Learning – Workshop and Master Class Pilot Program, conducted in collaboration with Professor Ting Wang from the University of Canberra in August 2015. TQI offered 30 ACT teachers the opportunity to participate in a free pilot workshop and Master Class from certified teachers observing high level practice. Professor Wang explored the features of collaborative enquiry based on her research on high-performing school systems internationally, followed by a workshop on practice analysis from TQI staff. The Master classes that followed were conducted in schools by teachers recognised through certification as Highly Accomplished or Lead teachers, matched with participants who teach in the same band of schooling/teaching area. This approach generated high-level discussions, analysis of practice and
cross-sectoral professional learning communities of leading educators.


Professional learning, integrated with the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (the Standards), will continue to be a central plank of the Institute’s strategic efforts.

TQI will communicate with all ACT teachers to ensure both that they understand their minimum professional learning obligations so that they can maintain their registration, and to reinforce the strong links between professional learning and the standing of the teaching profession within the ACT community. The enhancements to the Institute’s online business system (funded in the 2015-16 ACT Budget) will deliver an even more user-friendly interface for the teaching workforce. Work on the enhancements will be finished in the 2019 school year.

TQI sees embedding the Standards in the teaching practice of all ACT teachers as one of its key ongoing objectives. A major focus of TQI efforts will be on continuing to increase the numbers of ACT school leaders trained to assess teachers for certification at the higher levels of the Standards (i.e. the ‘Highly Accomplished’ and ‘Lead’ teacher levels). The goal is that each year, for the next four years an additional 25 ACT school leaders will be trained. The additional assessors will not only provide a sustainable cohort for the assessment of certification applicants but build capacity within ACT schools for standards-based development of teachers.

TQI will continue to pursue a wide range of strategies aimed at improving the quality of newly qualified entrants to the teaching workforce. During 2017, all initial teacher education programs accredited by TQI and offered in the ACT will transition to the revised national standards and procedures for initial teacher education programs. The proposed professional experience framework, incorporating school/university partnerships and a final year teaching performance assessment, is key to the success of the initial teacher education reforms.

The enhanced business system should also allow TQI to collect and undertake more complex analyses of the ACT teaching workforce. This will be of assistance to all ACT teacher employers and principals, school leaders and members of the teaching profession.

TQI will also continue to place high priority on facilitating cross-sectoral collaborative practices across the teaching profession as a whole in the ACT. It will continue to build on past initiatives in this area such as the initiation of its ‘casual teacher’ network, with meetings each term to support casual teachers with professional learning and a forum for professional dialogue.

All these initiatives are intended to deliver a more highly skilled and professional teaching workforce within the ACT. Accordingly, over time, this stronger workforce will be in a position to ensure improved student outcomes across all school sectors.


TQI pursues integrated risk management in all planning and operational processes. Risks particular to TQI arising from its legislative mandate are identified and assessed for management at a range of levels within TQI.

Strategic Risks are identified as a part of the development and review of TQI Strategic Direction. Strategic risks, their assessment and treatments, are approved by TQI Board. Operations/Service level risks are identified in TQI service standards, policies and procedures. The responsibility for assessing and responding to operational level risks lies with the Chief Executive Officer and TQI staff. Project risks are identified in project plans and for ICT projects within the project guidelines approved by Shared Services. The responsibility for assessing and responding to project risks lies with TQI project managers and project steering committees.


TQI is covered by the audit arrangements of the Education Directorate audit framework.


Fraud prevention measures incorporating procedural checks and balances to minimise the risk of financial and other fraud are included in TQI policies and procedures, particularly those involving financial transactions and regulatory activities.


In the reporting period TQI has had no incidents requiring reporting under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011.


Staffing Profile

TQI has a small staff comprising the Chief Executive Officer and 11 FTEs. The staff gender ratio is 77% female, 23% male. Staff are supplemented by seconded staff from schools across the sectors for specific programs.

Professional Development

TQI staff attended a range of professional development activities including internal TQI training, Whole-of-Government initiatives and specialist external programs. This has included participation in national initiatives, interstate network meetings with other jurisdictions, participation in Whole-of-Government communities of practice and administrative courses. Topics covered included initial teacher education panel training, national certification training, educational leadership, Whole-of-Government systems training, project management, business analysis and technical system administrator training.



TQI continues to operate in a sound financial manner. The ACT Government and registration fees remain the primary sources of revenue for TQI.


The summary report below shows the details of income and expenses for TQI for the financial year 2015-16 in accordance with the direction issued by the Minister for Education and Training under section 25 of the Act.

Note No. Actual 2016 $’000
Government Payment for Output 1 998
Interest 23
Other Revenue 2 803
Grants 3 48
Total Revenue 1,872
Employee Expenses 1,394
Superannuation Expenses 220
Supplies and Services 4 471
Total Expenses 2,085
Operating (Deficit)/Surplus (213)
Cash at bank at the end of 2015-16 457

Notes forming part of revenue and expenditure:
1. The appropriation is drawn down by the Education Directorate and passed on to TQI.
2. Other Revenue consists of own source revenue from registration fees. This revenue is seasonal and is mainly collected between January and March when registrations are renewed.
3. Grant from Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership.
4. Supplies and Services consists of:

Actual 2016 $’000
Property Maintenance 13
Materials and Services 291
Database Development 5
Travel and Transport 23
Administrative 27
Financial 1
Operating Lease 111
Grants 0


In the 2015-16 Budget, TQI was allocated $1.57 million across four years, commencing 1 July 2015. The funding was provided to further enhance digital service delivery, particularly in the areas of real time reporting for all ACT teachers and schools and information to support strategic teacher workforce planning. During the reporting period TQI expended the capital funding allocated for the 2015-16 financial year.


The TQI business system is the single most significant asset of the Institute. Maintaining and updating that system is a key operational consideration. As noted above, TQI received additional funding in the 2015-16 Budget for the business system.


Procurement processes undertaken by TQI comply with the ACT Government procurement legislative framework. Procurement decisions are authorised by the appropriate delegate within TQI. TQI utilises Whole-of-Government procurement arrangements to seek advice and support in relation to procurement and contract management issues.


ACT Teacher Workforce Analysis

This section provides key data on the ACT teacher workforce derived from information provided by teachers as part of the registration process. It also reports on other specific matters required by section E.2 of the Chief Minister’s Annual Report Directions.

There were 7,656 approved teachers as at 30 June 2016. 745 teachers were newly approved during the reporting period.

The image of a pie chart representing Approved Teachers by Approval Type, shows 84% Full Registration, 15% Provisional Registration and 1% Permit to Teach.


Sector Number of teachers % of approved teachers % female % male
Catholic Education 1313 17% 80% 20%
Education Directorate 4581 60% 77% 23%
Independent Schools 1465 19% 67% 33%
Not currently teaching in an ACT school 294 4% 77% 23%
  1. Figures exclude approved teachers whose employment status is not recorded with TQI.
  2. A teacher may have more than one employer.
  3. Teachers working in the Central Office of an employer are included in the sector numbers.


Bachelor Degree Graduate
Certificate – All
Certificate – Non
Masters Degree Doctoral Degree
Number of approved
teachers reporting
7101 2776 740 1398 127
Percentage of approved
teachers reporting
93% 36% 10% 18% 2%

A teacher may have multiple qualifications.
Figures displayed only for levels 7-10 of the Australian Qualifications Framework.
Qualifications for approved teachers who were registered under Transitional arrangements in 2011 are self-reported.


Over the reporting period no directions were given by the Minister under s.25 of the Act.

Public Interest Disclosure

The Public Interest Disclosure Act 2012 defines the types of wrongdoing that fall within the definition of disclosable conduct. Disclosable conduct includes any activity by an individual or an ACT Public Sector entity that:

is illegal;
misuses or wastes public money or resources;
is misconduct;
is maladministration;
presents a danger to the health or safety of the public; and
presents a danger to the environment.

No disclosures were received in the reporting period.

For more information contact:

The secretariat, the Chief Executive Officer or the Board Chair of TQI:

ACT Teacher Quality Institute

Ms Anne Ellis
Chief Executive Officer
ACT Teacher Quality Institute

Dr William Maiden
Board Chair
ACT Teacher Quality Institute

PO Box 263

Telephone: 02 6205 8867



(Section E.2 of the Chief Minister’s Annual Report Directions requires that TQI’s annual report include the education programs available for the professional learning and development of teachers.)


Program name Provider
3PLLC2016 3P Learning Australia Pty Limited
3PReggs 3P Learning Australia Pty Limited
5 Circles of Dreaming Landscapes Course (Online Modules for Early Educators) Education Dreaming
Acting For the Fun of It Acting For the Fun of It
AFMLTA/MLTAACT Inc. Ready?Set?Plan! Australian Curriculum - Languages Modern Language Teachers Association of the Australian Capital Territory Incorporated
African Drumming Course 2016 Drum Effect
After the Bomb: An Introduction The Association of Independent School of NSW
AIS ICT Integration Conference 2015 The Association of Independent School of NSW
AISACT NCCD Moderation Session Association of Independent Schools of the ACT
AISACT Teaching, Learning and School Leadership Colloquium 2015 Association of Independent Schools of the ACT
Akoustic Odyssey Live Performance Plus Professional Development Musica Viva Australia
ALEA Unconference - Literacy Speed Dating! ALEA
An Actor Prepares Acting For the Fun of It
Analysing student data to inform programming, teaching and assessment The Association of Independent School of NSW
Anxiety & Depression Workshop (late Primary school/ High School/ College) i talk mental health
ANZIAM Mathematics Education Workshop UNSW Canberra
Archimedes and the Law of the Lever UNSW School of Mathematics and Statistics
Archimedes and the Law of the Lever (2) UNSW School of Mathematics and Statistics
Assessment and Management of Students with Vision Loss RIDBC Renwick Centre
Assisting struggling readers in primary classes: Kaye Lowe Primary English Teaching Association Australia
Australian Schools Colloquium Day 6 National Excellence in Schools Leadership Institute
Autism Awareness and Strategies for the Education Environment TTA
Big Picture Education Foundation Big Picture Education
Book Week A.C.T Zart
Bright But Struggling 1 Australian Gifted Support Centre
Brush Up Your Shakespeare Acting For the Fun of It
Certificate of Christian Education (Design) National Institute for Christian Education
Chinese Cultural Context and Chinese Teaching The Australian School of Contemporary Chinese (ASCC)
Chinese Teaching Strategies The Australian School of Contemporary Chinese (ASCC)
Chinese teaching: classroom management The Australian School of Contemporary Chinese (ASCC)
Choice, Music and the Curriculum ANU Music Program
Coaching Accreditation Program Growth Coaching International Pty Ltd
Cognitive Coaching-PD20150617-Gungahlin Network Hawker Brownlow Professional Learning Solutions
College Conference 2016 - 2hr version ACT Public Colleges Professional Learning Committee
Colleges Conference 2016 ACT Public Colleges Professional Learning Committee
CONSEA ACT 2016 Science Educators Association for ACT (SEA ACT)
Contemporary Perspectives on Learning and Instruction in Spelling Primary English Teaching Association Australia
Conversations For Life. OzHelp Foundation
Country and Place and Indigenous Protocols (Online module: 8) Education Dreaming
Dance for the Primary Classroom Ausdance ACT
Dance Ready with Move Up! Ausdance ACT
Dance Ready with Move Up! for Primary teachers Ausdance ACT
Delivering Pleasurable Food Education Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation
Delivering sustainability Education through the Curriculum ACT Environment and Planning Directorate
Delivering the MYP International Baccalaureate - Asia Pacific
Developing a Growth Mindset in your Classroom Australian Catholic University Limited
Developing Differentiated Curriculum for Gifted Learners - Part 1 Gateways Education
Developing differentiated curriculum using conceptual frameworks - Part One Association of Independent Schools of the ACT
Differentiating the Curriculum and Assessment for Gifted Learners Gateways Education
Differentiating the Curriculum! - 1 Promoting Learning International
Digital Citizenship, Skills Development & Curriculum Connections Eduwebinar Pty Ltd
Digital Citizenship: Advanced Skills & Leadership (ONLINE) Syba Signs
Digital Citizenship: Core Concepts & Practice (ONLINE) Syba Signs
Driving Climate Change for Pastoral Care and Student Wellbeing The Association of Independent School of NSW
Driving Energy Efficiency Through Student Engagement ACT Environment and Planning Directorate
Dynamic Geometry and Algebra with GeoGebra TTA
EdTechTeam Canberra Summit 2016 EdTechTeam Pty Ltd
Educating Gifted and Talented Students Australian Gifted Support Centre
Education for Sustainability Through School Food Gardens ACT Environment and Planning Directorate
Educator Wellbeing Communities@Work
Effective Use of Interactive Whiteboards Class Cover pty Ltd
Emotional Intelligence for Teachers 4D Learning
Every Chance to Dance Kulture Break
Everyone Everyday Disability ACT
Everyone Everyday - A teachers toolkit for the inclusion of people with disability (5 hours) Disability ACT
Everyone Everyday - A Toolkit for Inclusion - 2 hour Disability ACT
Folk Songs and Games Across the Curriculum ANU Music Program
Food&ME K-6 Nutrition Australia ACT Incorporated
Food&ME Preschool Nutrition Australia ACT Incorporated
Foundation Knowledge of Australian Indigenous People - Primary Educators (Online module:1) Education Dreaming
From Page to Stage Acting For the Fun of It
Fun with Dramatising the Curriculum ANU Music Program
Fun with Music and Art 2015 ANU Music Program
GEG Canberra Term 4 Workshop GEG Canberra
Gifted and underachieving -Strategies for the classroom Australian Gifted Support Centre
Gifted Education - Identification and teaching Australian Gifted Support Centre
Grammar Basics English for Work
Group Dynamics and Conflict Management Communities@Work
IB Diploma Programme Category 2 Subject Workshops International Baccalaureate - Asia Pacific
IB Diploma Programme Subject Specific Seminars Category 3 International Baccalaureate - Asia Pacific
Identifying, Understanding and Developing Programs for Gifted Learners in Mixed Ability Classrooms Gateways Education
Inquiry Learning, Investigations, and Misconceptions Science Time Education
Introduction to Consumer and Financial Literacy Education for Teachers- ASICsMoneySmart Teaching Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC)
Is it behaviour or is it Communication? Imagine More Ltd
Lamp - Leading & Mentoring Program 2016 Dragonfly Consulting & Coaching Pty Ltd
Launching the MYP International Baccalaureate - Asia Pacific
Learn the Piano in 3 Hours ANU Music Program
Linking Principles of Pedagogy to 21st Century learning and student engagement DavisGreig Consultancy
Little Scientist - Air Workshop Communities@Work
Macquarie Literacy Program (MacqLit) Professional Learning Workshop MultiLit Pty Ltd
Making the PYP happen International Baccalaureate - Asia Pacific
Managing Assessment in the MYP International Baccalaureate - Asia Pacific
Managing Challenging Behaviours in Schools Association of Independent Schools of the ACT
Mathletics Certification Level 1_16 3P Learning Australia Pty Limited
Mathletics Certification Level 2_16 3P Learning Australia Pty Limited
Measuring Student Reading Progress for Schools PL workshop MultiLit Pty Ltd
Media Marketing and Teen Girls: Building Confidence and Resilience Helen Roe Coaching
Mental Health and Wellbeing of Young People Seminar 2016 Generation Next
Mentoring Pre-service Teachers Australian Catholic University Limited
MEP Basic Principles and Practice ANU Music Program
MEP Early Childhood Course - 2015 ANU Music Program
MEP Kidsing for Kindergarten ANU Music Program
MEP Kidsing for pre-school ANU Music Program
MEP Kidsing for Year 1 ANU Music Program
MEP Kidsing for Year 2 ANU Music Program
MEP Kidsing for Year 3 ANU Music Program
MEP Kidsing for Year 4 ANU Music Program
MEP Kidsing for Year 5 ANU Music Program
MEP Kidsing for Year 6 ANU Music Program
MEP Primary Course - 2015 ANU Music Program
Message Stick Learning - Dreaming (Module 2) Education Dreaming
Message Stick Learning - Seasonal Knowledge (Module 6) Education Dreaming
Mind Brain Education Conference 2016 Pearson Australia
Mini COGE School of Education UNSW
MiniLit Professional Learning Workshop MultiLit Pty Ltd
MLTA ACT Inc. Joe Dale Workshop - 'Harnessing Google in the Languages Classroom' Modern Language Teachers Association of the Australian Capital Territory Incorporated
MLTA ACT Inc. Mini-Conference 15 Aug 2015 - CLIL Modern Language Teachers Association of the Australian Capital Territory Incorporated
MoneySmart maths for primary teachers (online) Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC)
Morris Gleitzman's Writing School ALEA
Move Up with Ballet Basics for the Classroom Ausdance ACT
Move Up! Indigenous Interactive Lecture/Workshop for Primary & Secondary teachers. Ausdance ACT
MultiLit Positive Teaching for effective classroom behaviour management (primary schools) MultiLit Pty Ltd
MultiLit Reading Tutor Program Professional Learning Workshop MultiLit Pty Ltd
MultiLit Word Attack Skills Extension Professional Learning Workshop MultiLit Pty Ltd
Musica Viva Teacher Forum - Dr Anita Collins Musica Viva Australia
Musica Viva Teacher Forum - Sound In Motion Musica Viva Australia
Musica Viva Teacher Forum- Music and Maths Musica Viva Australia
National Mentoring for Science and Mathematics Teachers:Online workshops Education Institute, University of Canberra
National Science Teachers' Summer School (NSTSS) National Youth Science Forum
National Visual Art Education Conference 2016 National Gallery of Australia
Nolan printmaking workshop for art teachers Canberra Museum and Gallery
Online Module-Introduction to Consumer & Financial Literacy Education - MoneySmart Teaching Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC)
Open Inquiry in the Classroom Science Educators Association for ACT (SEA ACT)
Orff from the Ground Up - Orff-full Beginnings Orff Schulwerk Association of NSW Inc.
Parliament of Youth on Sustainability - Teacher Information Sessions SEE-Change
PCM Part 1 - What Makes Us Tick? Square Leg Pty Ltd
People Leadership Workshop Association of Independent Schools of the ACT
Planning for Active and Energetic Children Communities@Work
Play Writing Workshop Cultural Facilities Corporation
Playing to Their Strengths A.C.T. Down Syndrome Association
Powerful Writing Strategies 3P Learning Australia Pty Limited
PreLit Professional Learning Workshop MultiLit Pty Ltd
Primes, Modular Arithmetic and RSA Encryption UNSW School of Mathematics and Statistics
Professional Learning in Chinese teaching: spoken Chinese The Australian School of Contemporary Chinese (ASCC)
Programming for the Australian Curriculum - Technologies Design and Technology Teachers Association ACT
Public Speaking and Presentation Skills 4D Learning
Quizzes in the Classroom Quizling Pty Ltd
Responding well to people labelled as having "Challenging Behaviour" Imagine More Ltd
Rethinking the Collection: Principles and Practice for 21C School Libraries Syba Signs
Robot Bird Creative Writing - Divergent to Convergent Thinking Works ALEA
Rugby League International Games Coach (Secondary Teacher) Accreditation Workshop National Rugby League
Rugby League Modified Games Coach (Primary Teacher) Accreditation Workshop National Rugby League
Safe Cycle Year 5 and 6 Physical Activity Foundation
School Based Gifted and Talented Program Part 1 Australian Gifted Support Centre
Sharing the Secrets of Success 2016 ACT Association for the Teaching of English (ACTATE)
Showcasing ‘Best Practice’ Sustainability Education- Primary ACT Environment and Planning Directorate
Showcasing 'Best Practice' Sustainability Education - Secondary Schools ACT Environment and Planning Directorate
Shrewd Brass Live Performance Plus Professional Development Musica Viva Australia
Simple instruments - Hands On Activities to enhance music- making ANU Music Program
Simply Music Technology! Orff Schulwerk Association of NSW Inc.
Smarter Assessment NSW ACT Independent Education Union
SoSAFE- Promoting students' social safety Sexual Health and Family Planning ACT
Spelling in the primary school years Tessa Daffern
Spell-It Professional Learning Workshop MultiLit Pty Ltd
Starting Stop.Motion.Nolan for primary teachers Canberra Museum and Gallery
Strategic Planning CIT Solutions
Strategies for Supporting Students with Hearing Loss RIDBC Renwick Centre
Stress Free Rest Times Communities@Work
Stronger Smarter Leadership Program (SSLP) 2016 Stronger Smarter Institute
Student Wellbeing Conference 2015 The Association of Independent School of NSW
Sue Larkey Online Programme Education Events
Supervising Preservice Teachers - Effective Partnerships Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL)
Supervising Preservice Teachers - Making Judgements Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL)
Supervising Preservice Teachers - Practice Analysis Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL)
Supervising Preservice Teachers - Unpacking the Graduate Standards Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL)
Sustainable Energy an unbiased Review of Options TTA
Synthetic Phonics Fast and Fun TTA
Tai Chi and tennis balls: Haptic techniques for teaching pronunciation ATESOL ACT
Teacher Resilience & Wellbeing Celebrity Teacher
Teacher Resilience and Wellbeing Celebrity Teacher
Teacher Wellbeing i talk mental health
Teaching English Grammar and Vocabulary for Writing and Reading (Secondary and Middle School) TTA
Teaching Essay Writing Jeanne O'MALLEY
Teaching Mathematics National Institute for Christian Education
Teaching Playwriting Kirsty Budding
Teaching Primary Drama: Fundamentals, The Elements & Improvisation Pip Buining
Teaching Primary Drama: Playbuilding Pip Buining
Teaching Primary Drama: Process Drama & Creative Movement Pip Buining
TECHnow Technology Teachers Conference 1 Design and Technology Teachers Association ACT
The 3 R's Risk, Resilience & Recovery i talk mental health
The Accidental Counsellor Training (Face to Face) Human Connections
The Accidental Counsellor Training (Online) Human Connections
The Art of Playwriting Kirsty Budding
The Fear-less Teacher 4D Learning
The NET-Generation: Practical Evidence for Schools The Association of Independent School of NSW
The Power of Storytelling ad Puppetry ALEA
Toward a Positive Understanding of Autism Spectrum Disorder Education Events
Train the Trainer Read&Write for Google Workshop Greg O'Connor - Independent Consultant
Transdisciplinary Learning in the PYP International Baccalaureate - Asia Pacific
Transverse Mentoring for Intergenerational Women PunkPD
Turning your maths classroom into an engaged learning environment TTA
UC AMSPP Conference Education Institute, University of Canberra
UC AMSPP Design Mentees and Mentor workshops Education Institute, University of Canberra
Understanding Gifted Learners: Planning The Way Forward Association of Independent Schools of the ACT
Understanding Play - Superhero and Gun Play Communities@Work
Understanding the Australian Curriculum Civics and Citizenship Australian Catholic University Limited
Understanding the Visual Spatial Thinking System of students with ASD, ADHD and Dyslexia Australian Gifted Support Centre
Universal Design for Learning The Association of Independent School of NSW
Unstoppable Learning: Unleash the learning potential of your students Solution Tree Australia
Ursula Dubosarsky's Writing Workshop ALEA
Using data to track and plan for student learning The Association of Independent School of NSW
Voting in the Classroom Australian Electoral Commission
Waste and Recycling in Schools - educational and fun! ACT Environment and Planning Directorate
Words Their Way: 5 Steps for Classroom Use Pearson Australia


Program name Provider
10 Essential Skills Revisited Belconnen High
2015 Dirrum Dirrum Conference Radford College
2016 Leadership Summit, Leading Transformational Schools (EDU) School Leadership
2016 Pastoral Care Program - Love and Mercy Merici College
A Growth Mindset with BYOD Principles Calwell High
A Growth Mindset: What does this mean for assessment and feedback? Burgmann Anglican School
A Pathway to Cultural Competence 2016 (CE) Religious Education and Curriculum Services
A Pathway to Cultural Competence for Executive staff 2016 (CE) Religious Education and Curriculum Services
A positive approach to educating and engaging boys Alfred Deakin High
A Whole School Approach to Teaching Grammar and Punctuation Sts Peter and Paul Primary
ACER training in National School Improvement Tool (NSIT) (EDU) School Leadership
Achieving a stronger culture of learning through effective differentiation Daramalan College
ACT Indonesian Teachers' Professional Learning Programme Day 1 (EDU) Learning and Teaching Branch
Active and Reflective Programming (EDU) Learning and Teaching Branch
Addressing Student Needs Through Data and Curriculum Mother Teresa Primary School
Advanced Skills: Coaching Teachers in Essential Skills (EDU) Student Engagement and Student Wellbeing Branch
Agreed Practice at Duffy Primary School Duffy Primary
An Introduction to Writer's Workshop using the 6+1 traits Radford College
Art in the Classroom Telopea Park School
Arts up Front Instrumental Music Program
ASA Conference, Canberra Canberra Grammar School
Asian Engagement: Developing Understanding & Capabilities Canberra Grammar School
Assessing Reading in the Early Years K-3: A Refresher Holy Trinity Primary
Assessment at Calwell Calwell Primary
Assessment for Learning Brindabella Christian College
Assessment Workshop Torrens Primary
Australian Curriculum: Health and Physical Education (EDU) Learning and Teaching Branch
Beginner: Google Classroom Lanyon High
Blue Gum Philosophy and Practice 2016 Blue Gum Community School
Breaking the Stereotype II St Edmund's College
Bringing It All Together: Evaluating and Improving Classroom Practice St Mary MacKillop College
Bringing the Fact Sheets out of the box Macgregor Primary
Building Inquiring Minds Turner School
BYOD and Differentiated Assessment Calwell High
Canberra College 2016 Literacy Strategies PL Canberra College
Canberra REAIE Professional Learning Community Canberra Grammar School
Case management approaches for gifted learners: The use of ILPs as a program strategy (EDU) Learning and Teaching Branch
Catering for ALL Students. Burgmann Anglican School
Catholic Education LEAD Conference 2016 (CE) School Services
Chatz with Jatz - Start with Why St Edmund's College
Chatz with Jatz - Start With Why by Simon Sinek St Edmund's College
Christian Education workshop Covenant Christian School
Circle Time: Advanced Application of the Circle time Process (EDU) Student Engagement and Student Wellbeing Branch
Collaborative Problem Solving (EDU) Student Engagement and Student Wellbeing Branch
Combined Literacy, Numeracy and EALD Forum (EDU) Learning and Teaching Branch
Combined Literacy, Numeracy and EALD Professional Learning Forum (EDU) Learning and Teaching Branch
Conceptual development in Number with Peter Sullivan St Anthony's Parish Primary
Connect, Succeed, Thrive St Monica's Primary
Connecting the Australian Curriculum with current research Good Shepherd Primary
Conversations for Life Version 2 (EDU) Student Engagement and Student Wellbeing Branch
Cooperative Reading and the Australian Curriculum Gordon Primary
Cooperative Reading K-6 Gordon Primary
Count Me In Too (CMIT) (EDU) Learning and Teaching Branch
Creating A Community of Practice Radford College
Creating a Culture of Inclusion Sacred Heart Primary
Critical Thinking in the classroom Emmaus Christian School
CSYMA National Teacher Formation Conference St Edmund's College
Curriculum at Calwell Calwell Primary
Curriculum Practice Sacred Heart Primary
Daily Five and Reader's Workshop - Macgregorised! Macgregor Primary
Dan Haesler - Growth Mindset Session 2 Lanyon High
Dan Haesler: Morning Session Lanyon High
Data use Emmaus Christian School
Developing a Community of Practice (CPL Program 2016) - Primary School Canberra Grammar School
Developing Differentiated Curriculum for Gifted Learners (EDU) Learning and Teaching Branch
Developing Differentiated Curriculum for Gifted Learners Part 3 (EDU) Learning and Teaching Branch
Developing Language Through PlayScripts- Harrison School Harrison School
Developing Mathematics Inquiry Lessons From Australian Curriculum North Ainslie Primary
Diane Siemon - Big Ideas in Number Holy Family Parish Primary School
Differentiated Frameworks for Gifted and Talented Education Yarralumla Primary
Differentiating for learners 1 Curtin Primary
Differentiation 1 St Edmund's College
Differentiation in the Classroom Emmaus Christian School
Differentiation: Challenging all students with pedagogy & assessment. St Mary MacKillop College
Differentiation: responding to the needs of all learners Fraser Primary
Disciplinary Literacy in the Secondary Years Campbell High
Diving for Pearls: Let's Go Deep Into Cross-Curricular Differentiated Learning Orana Steiner School
Duffy Primary School: Formative Assessment and Visible Learning Duffy Primary
EAL/D Teachers' Professional Learning Forum Term 1 (EDU) Learning and Teaching Branch
EAL/D Teachers Professional Learning Forum Term 3 (EDU) Learning and Teaching Branch
EALD Fact Sheets Majura Primary
Early Childhood Music Workshop Instrumental Music Program
Educating Boys in the 21st Century Dr Ian Lillico Marist College
Effective Spelling Chapman Primary
Effective Spelling Strategies Southern Cross Early Childhood School
Effective Spelling Strategies O'Connor Cooperative School
E-Learning of EAL/D Fact Sheet Modules Alfred Deakin High
Embedding Critical Reflection in an early Childhood Setting Mother Teresa Primary School
Engaging with data through action inquiry (EDU) Student Engagement Branch, All other Areas
English as an Additional Language or Dialect PL (EALD) (CE) Religious Education and Curriculum Services
Engoori at Gilmore: How do we want to be together? Gilmore Primary
ESL in the mainstream for the early learner (EDU) Learning and Teaching Branch
Essential Skills and Beyond (EDU) Student Engagement and Student Wellbeing Branch
Essential Skills for Classroom Teachers (EDU) Student Engagement and Student Wellbeing Branch
Evidence Based Instruction Black Mountain School
Exploring Mathematics Theory and Practice informed by Carol Spencer. Palmerston District Primary
Exploring open-ended investigations in Numeracy St Vincent's Primary
Exploring visual arts within the Australian Arts curriculum Rosary Primary
First Steps 2nd Edition Reading (EDU) Learning and Teaching Branch
First Steps 2nd Edition Speaking and Listening (EDU) Learning and Teaching Branch
First Steps 2nd Edition Writing (EDU) Learning and Teaching Branch
Focus on Practice: Intentional Teaching (EDU) Learning and Teaching Branch
Formative Assessment in Action Richardson Primary
Formative Assessment Practices Belconnen High
Functional Behaviour Analysis (EDU) Student Engagement and Student Wellbeing Branch
Google Apps for Education (GAFE) for beginners Lanyon High
Google Read & Write Lanyon High
Gowrie Curriculum Implementation (AC Version 8) Gowrie Primary
Gowrie Strategic Plan and Teacher Implementation Gowrie Primary
Grammar, Marking and Feedback Calwell Primary
Guiding Young Children’s Behaviour – Louise Porter Blue Gum Community School
Healthy Minds Canberra Girls' Grammar School
High Possibility Classrooms Brindabella Christian College
High Possibility Classrooms: A Framework for Action Canberra Girls' Grammar School
How to make the most of Teacher Mentoring & Classroom Observations Trinity Christian School
ICT PD Hughes Primary
Implementing ABLES and The National Curriculum in a Specialist School Cranleigh School
Inclusive Education - Working Effectively with Inclusive Education Assistants St Francis Xavier College
Individual Learning Plans (ILP) The Process Induction Workshop 2015 (EDU) Student Engagement and Disability Services Branch
Individual Learning Plans (ILP) The Process Induction Workshop 2016 (EDU) Student Engagement and Disability Services Branch
Inquiry Learning using the conceptual model at Maribyrnong Primary Maribyrnong Primary
Inquiry-based relief teaching: A practical approach Macquarie Primary
Integrated Inquiry Charles Conder Primary
Integrating iPads into Koori Preschool (EDU) Learning and Teaching Branch
Integrating Mobile Technology in the Classroom St Francis of Assisi Primary
Interdisciplinary Learning Gold Creek School
Introduction to Circle Time (EDU) Student Engagement and Student Wellbeing Branch
Introduction to Inquiry Based Learning Canberra Girls' Grammar School
Introduction to Professional Learning Communities University of Canberra High School Kaleen
Introduction to Second Step - SEL Program (EDU) Student Engagement and Student Wellbeing Branch
Investing in Teacher Capacity Narrabundah Early Childhood School
Investing in Teacher Practice: Adam Voight Richardson Primary
Italian Language in Music and the Music of Italian (EDU) Learning and Teaching Branch
JBS Writing Professional Development Jervis Bay Primary
Kagan iPads and Brain Friendly Thinking St Francis Xavier College
Kaleen Primary – Using Data to Improve Teaching and Learning Kaleen Primary
Kids Matter Component 3 Gordon Primary
Kids Matter Component 3 St Monica's Primary
KidsMatter - Social and Emotional Learning, Restorative Practice and Circle Time for Chapman Primary Chapman Primary
KidsMatter Component 1 St Michael's Primary
KidsMatter in the PDHPE Syllabus St Vincent's Primary
KidsMatter: Component 1 and 2 St Matthew's Primary
KidsMatter: Component 2 Staff Training Caroline Chisholm School
Koori Preschool Professional Learning Day - Encountering Place (EDU) Learning and Teaching Branch
Language Learning Space (EDU) Learning and Teaching Branch
Lanyon Cluster Action Research 2016 Lanyon High
Leadership Conference 2015 Catholic Education Office
Leading Improvements in Primary Mathematics Theodore Primary
Literacy and Numeracy PL Forum February 2016 (EDU) Learning and Teaching Branch
LTC Professional Learning Communities Lake Tuggeranong College
Making Connections for Quality Learning St Clare of Assisi Primary
Making it a Success: Sue Larkey Fraser Primary
Malarkey PLAYwork Ainslie School
Mapping Australian Curriculum v8 to IB planning docs Miles Franklin Primary
Mathematics - from assessment and evidence to learning Gordon Primary
Mental Health and Wellbeing of Children and Adolescents Good Shepherd Primary
Middle Years Mental Computation (MYMC) Addition and Subtraction (EDU) Learning and Teaching Branch
Middle Years Mental Computation (MYMC) Decimals (EDU) Learning and Teaching Branch
Middle Years Mental Computation (MYMC) Fractions (EDU) Learning and Teaching Branch
Middle Years Mental Computation (MYMC) Introduction (EDU) Learning and Teaching Branch
Middle Years Mental Computation (MYMC) Multiplication and Division (EDU) Learning and Teaching Branch
Middle Years Mental Computation (MYMC) Percentages (EDU) Learning and Teaching Branch
Mind Matters 2016 Caroline Chisholm School
MindMatters - Modules 1 & 2 Harrison School
MindMatters, through the Principals Institute of Australia – Module 1 & 2 (Online Course) Trinity Christian School
Mindset - Happiness Calwell Primary
More than drawing- Authentic engagement with Visual Art. St Thomas Aquinas Primary
Namadgi Mental Computation: Teaching Decimals Namadgi School
Neuroscience and music learning - the next step for learning Instrumental Music Program
Numeracy Essentials (CE) Religious Education and Curriculum Services
Numeracy Essentials (3) Catholic Education Office
Numeracy Essentials Nos 2 & 3 - Professor Peter Sullivan. (CE) Religious Education and Curriculum Services
NumUp St Francis Xavier College
OLT Autism Spectrum Disorder (EDU) Student Engagement and Disability Services Branch
OLT Dyslexia and Significant Reading Difficulties (EDU) Student Engagement and Disability Services Branch
OLT Motor Coordination Difficulties (EDU) Student Engagement and Disability Services Branch
OLT Speech, Language and Communication Needs (EDU) Student Engagement and Disability Services Branch
OLT Understanding and Managing Behaviour (EDU) Student Engagement and Disability Services Branch
OLT Understanding Hearing Loss (EDU) Student Engagement and Disability Services Branch
Online Learning and Collaboration Tools and Resources Farrer Primary
Online Training course: Speech, Language and Communication Needs - 1 (CE) Religious Education and Curriculum Services
Online Training course: Speech, Language and Communication Needs: (CE) Religious Education and Curriculum Services
Online Training course: Understanding and Managing Behaviour - 1 (CE) Religious Education and Curriculum Services
Online Training course: Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorders (CE) Religious Education and Curriculum Services
Online Training course: Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorders - 1 (CE) Religious Education and Curriculum Services
Online Training course: Understanding & Supporting Behaviour (CE) Religious Education and Curriculum Services
Online Training course: Understanding Motor Coordination Difficulties (CE) Religious Education and Curriculum Services
PANTHERS - developing a Sports Leadership Program in High Schools Alfred Deakin High
Part 2 - Developing differentiated curriculum for gifted and talented students (EDU) Learning and Teaching Branch
Part 3 - Summative and Formative Assessment with Gifted Learners (EDU) Learning and Teaching Branch
PAT Testing - Data Analysis St Edmund's College
Pathways Website Leader Program (EDU) Student Engagement Branch, All other Areas
Pedagogical Approaches for Successful Learners Gordon Primary
Pedagogy Practices and Curriculum Development St John the Apostle Primary
Pedagogy Practices and Data Development St John the Apostle Primary
Peer Observations Belconnen High
Phonics & Teaching Spelling Trinity Christian School
Positive Behaviour for Learning: Tier 1 Universal facilitator training (EDU) Student Engagement and Student Wellbeing Branch
Positive Behaviour Management and Pedagogy Daramalan College
Positive Behaviour Management and Pedagogy Maribyrnong Primary
Positive Behaviour Support: Intro to complex & challenging behaviours The Galilee School
Practical skills in differentiation for the classroom and assessment Canberra High
Prayer Experiences for Students and Staff (CE) Religious Education and Curriculum Services
Principles of Pedagogy St Bede's Primary
Professional Learning Communities at Work Franklin Early Childhood School
Professional Learning Teams at Kingsford Smith School Kingsford Smith School
Professional Learning Teams within a PLC St Michael's Primary
Professional Practice Teams Dickson College
Program of Inquiry Review North Ainslie Primary
Programming for Gifted Learners: Understanding and implementing grouping and accelerated programs (EDU) Learning and Teaching Branch
Protective Behaviours School Training (EDU) Student Engagement and Student Wellbeing Branch
Protective Behaviours Training (EDU) Student Engagement and Student Wellbeing Branch
QT Assessment Rounds Red Hill Primary
Quality Curriculum & Writing Curtin Primary
Reading Matters: Literacy in the home-school transition (EDU) Learning and Teaching Branch
Reflective Practice 2 Emmaus Christian School
Restorative and Relational Practices in the school setting Red Hill Primary
Restorative Practice St Monica's Primary
Reviewing the way we report student learning (CE) School Services
Sacred Scriptures and Our Lives (CE) Religious Education and Curriculum Services
Scaffolded Literacy at Harrison School Harrison School
School Vision and Curriculum Organisation St Bede's Primary
Secondary School Pastoral Care and Improving Learning Outcomes for Students at Radford College Radford College
Seeds of Growth St Joseph's Primary
SEL: Friendly Schools Plus (EDU) Student Engagement and Student Wellbeing Branch
Semester 2 PL Workshops at Melrose Melrose High
Smart Thinking - Justin Coulson Lanyon High
South/Weston Network High Schools: The AC and Learning Differences. Telopea Park School
Spectator's Guide to Worldviews Brindabella Christian College
Spelling for Life Palmerston District Primary
STM English TALE St Thomas More's Primary
Strategies for Tracking Improvement Calwell High
Strategies to Support Students with ASD in the Mainstream
Gowrie Primary
Student/Staff Wellbeing Hughes Primary
Support at Preschool - Positive and Practical Behaviour Support in Preschool (EDU) Student Engagement and Disability Services Branch
Supporting readers and writers in the classroom Giralang Primary
Tactical Teaching: Reading (EDU) Learning and Teaching Branch
Tactical Teaching: Speaking and Listening (EDU) Learning and Teaching Branch
Targeted Literacy Strategies Forrest Primary
Targeting Challenging Behaviour (EDU) Student Engagement and Student Wellbeing Branch
Teacher Inquiry Program (MPSTIP) Phase:3 Macquarie Primary
Teacher of Reading 2016 St Francis Xavier College
Teachers New to Schools Implementing Inquiry Focused Literacy Blocks (CE) Religious Education and Curriculum Services
Teaching English Additional Language Learners in the Mainstream classroom Lyons Early Childhood School
Teaching ESL Students in Mainstream Classrooms (TESMC) - Modules 1-5 (EDU) Learning and Teaching Branch
Teaching ESL Students in Mainstream Classrooms (TESMC) - Modules 6-9 (EDU) Learning and Teaching Branch
Teaching Human Sexuality in a Catholic Context Catholic Education Office
Teaching Professional Standards: From Proficient to Lead St Francis Xavier College
Teaching Spelling and Grammar in Context Florey Primary
Team-Teach V2.0 (EDU) Student Engagement and Student Wellbeing Branch
The Australian Curriculum and EALD Learners (EDU) Learning and Teaching Branch
The essential role of phonics when moving from talking to writing. Gordon Primary
The Eucharist - Our Celebration as Source, Summit and Centre (CE) Religious Education and Curriculum Services
The Influence of Teaching - Emotions, Mindsets and Agency Lyneham High
The Lost Sacrament of Reconciliation (CE) Religious Education and Curriculum Services
The Power of Chrome Canberra Girls' Grammar School
The Theology of the Body - Teenagers and Sexuality Part 1 (CE) Religious Education and Curriculum Services
The Theology of the Body - Teenagers and Sexuality Part 2 (CE) Religious Education and Curriculum Services
The Third Teacher St Matthew's Primary
TherapyACT Assistance Program Southern Cross Early Childhood School
Transforming Teaching and Learning - Module 6 Catholic Education Office
Trauma Responsive Education (EDU) Student Engagement and Student Wellbeing Branch
Twice Exceptional and Underachieving Gifted Students: Identification and Intervention (EDU) Learning and Teaching Branch
Understanding how trauma can impact student learning Kaleen Primary
Understanding the role of Protective Behaviours and the impact on student learning Kaleen Primary
Understanding the Sacraments-Eucharist Catholic Education Office
Understanding the Sacraments-Reconciliation Catholic Education Office
Update - Understanding Learning Difficulties (EDU) Student Engagement and Student Wellbeing Branch
Using Assessment in Mathematics to improve Pedagogy St John Vianney's Primary
Using Data to Develop the Systematic use of Formative Assessment to improve Differentiation John Paul College
Using data to inform our practice Lanyon High
Using Evidence for School Improvement Catholic Education Office
Using Google Apps to enhance collaboration Aranda Primary
Using the DISC Model to develop teacher capacity (CE) School Services
Using UbD to Improve Teaching Practice St Thomas Aquinas Primary
Visible Learning Foundation Day Arawang Primary
Voice in the Western, Secular, Post-Modern World Brindabella Christian College
Wellbeing- An Introduction (EDU) Student Engagement and Student Wellbeing Branch
Wellbeing Workshop (EDU) Student Engagement and Student Wellbeing Branch
Whole School Approach – Classroom Management and Student Engagement University of Canberra High School Kaleen
Why the Year of Mercy? (CE) Religious Education and Curriculum Services
Writing Assessment Practices (EDU) Learning and Teaching Branch
Writing every day with word walls St Vincent's Primary
Writing Modules from Queensland Literacy and Numeracy Academy Trinity Christian School



(Section E.2 of the Chief Minister’s Annual Report Directions requires that TQI’s annual report include the current assessment and certification standards that are required to be met by teachers.)


Full Registration

Full registration is only available to experienced applicants who meet the criteria specified below.

Qualification(s) Completion of at least four years of higher education (full-time or equivalent) study including an accredited initial teacher education program accredited in Australia, leading to the achievement of a recognised qualification. Overseas qualifications will be accepted if they are assessed by TQI as equivalent.
Teaching experience 180 school teaching days in Australia or New Zealand in the previous five year period before the day the application is made.
Abilities, knowledge and
TQI must be satisfied that the person has the abilities, knowledge and skills of a comparable level to those in the Proficient level of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers. If not applying under Mutual Recognition provisions, the applicant is required to submit a TQI Professional Practice Report completed and signed by a Principal or their delegate who can attest to the professional practice of the applicant.
Suitability to teach TQI will use a current Working with Vulnerable People (Background Checking) (WwVP) registration to satisfy itself of the applicant’s suitability to teach.
English language
TQI must be satisfied that the applicant meets the English language requirements specified in the Act. Applicants who have not undertaken the required four full years of higher education study in English in Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Canada or the Republic of Ireland, must provide proof of an academic IELTS test undertaken in the two years prior to the date of the application with scores of at least band 8 in Speaking and Listening and at least band 7 in Reading and Writing.
Provisional Registration

Provisional registrants meet the qualification requirement for Full registration but have not yet accumulated the required teaching experience or skills and abilities for Full registration. It is the appropriate category for Graduate entry and applicable as an interim measure when an applicant may meet the requirements for Full registration but is unable at the time to provide the relevant supporting evidence.

Qualification(s) Completion of at least four years of higher education (full-time or equivalent) study including an accredited initial teacher education program accredited in Australia, leading to the achievement of a recognised qualification. Overseas qualifications will be accepted if they are assessed by TQI as equivalent.
Suitability to teach TQI will use a current Working with Vulnerable People (Background Checking) (WwVP) registration to satisfy itself of the applicant’s suitability to teach.
English language proficiency TQI must be satisfied that the applicant meets the English language requirements specified in the Act. Applicants who have not undertaken the required four full years of higher education study in English in Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Canada or the Republic of Ireland, must provide proof of an academic IELTS test undertaken in the two years prior to the date of the application with scores of at least band 8 in Speaking and Listening and at least band 7 in Reading and Writing.
Full Registration

Full registration is only available to experienced applicants who meet the criteria specified below.

Permit to teach

A permit to teach is not a category of registration but an authorisation for a person to teach for a limited period in a specific teaching role. A permit to teach may be offered to applicants who do not meet the requirements for Full or Provisional registration but who have specialist knowledge, training, skills or qualifications, or have completed a teaching qualification that does not meet the eligibility requirements for Full or Provisional registration. This process requires a request to TQI from the employer wishing to engage the person in a teaching position where a suitably qualified or registered teacher is not available.

Suitability to teach TQI will use a current Working with Vulnerable People (Background Checking) (WwVP) registration to satisfy itself of the applicant’s suitability to teach.
English language proficiency TQI must be satisfied that the applicant meets the English language requirements specified in the Act. Applicants who have not undertaken the higher education study, leading to the award of the qualification in their area of specialisation in English in Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Canada or the Republic of Ireland must provide proof of an academic IELTS test undertaken in the two years prior to the date of the application with scores of at least band 8 in Speaking and Listening and at least 7 in Reading and Writing. If there is an exceptional demonstrated need by a school for the person’s particular specialist knowledge, band scores of no less than 7 in Speaking and Listening and 6 in Reading and Writing are required.



Certification against Highly Accomplished and Lead level of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers.

Assessment standards required to be met by teachers

Certification against Highly Accomplished and Lead level of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers

Current Certification standards - required to be met by teachers who elect to apply.

Acknowledgement of Country

We acknowledge the Ngunnawal people as traditional custodians of the ACT and recognise any other people or families with connection to the lands of the ACT and region. We acknowledge and respect their continuing culture and the contribution they make to the life of this city and this region.